Les Histoires Duchemin Wiki
We've got a load ahead of us, haven't we?
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Bjelobog is the Zeitgeist of the age in which Les Histoires Duchemin take place. Although it possesses an enchanting appearance, the "white god", as its name literally reads, is, in truth, the embodiment of an evil era, and is, therefore, naturally given to destruction. The creature was summoned by Daedalus Beaulieu alongside the head of the Suring clan when faced by Aimée Duchemin, Sylvain Dieudonné, and Erroll de Wardes for the final confrontation. The incomplete Bjelobog was faced by Erroll, whilst Aimée faced Beaulieu and Sylvain faced Suring.

A fight against the complete form of Bjelobog is unlocked after completing all three scenarios in Les Histoires Duchemin 7, at which time the player gains control of the Zeitgeist Erlkonig, called forth from the distant past to oppose the designs of those who would give Tellus an unworthy future. The Erlkonig is capable of using the skills acquired by all three playable characters, and is shown to be physically created by a temporary merger of Erroll and Sylvain, and it is commanded from a distance by Aimée.

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